Jochen Bartlau
Keeping Groups Together in Report Outputs (.NET, C++)
Introducing Radar Charts as New Chart Type
We'll introduce a brand new popular chart type that has been missing in List & Label until version 22: radar charts. Also known as "spider charts", "web charts" or "polar charts", they are a cool way to visualize ratios between different categories across multiple rows. It can answer questions like "which values are most similar, i.e. do we see clusters of values" and helps to find outliers at a glance.
Top-N and “Others” for Crosstabs
Automatic Fill-Up for Crosstabs
Cross-Row and Column References for Crosstabs
From the latest blog post you could already tell that the crosstab is one of our focus areas for version 22. Besides multiple result cells we decided to pay a visit to the crosstab functions as well. In version 21 these functions can already be used to reference the values of sum cells, column and row labels etc. By extending the functions slightly, striking new features become available.