Adding Page Breaks at Arbitrary Positions

List & Label already has a wide range of functionality to control the page flow as needed. Each object has a “Pagebreak Before” property, just like the elements in a report container. Tables have an additional page break condition that is evaluated for each line. However, one feature was missing: forcing a page break within a text. This was changed in version 28.

Fixed Headers for the XHTML Export

Further improving our export formats is one of the focus areas for List & Label 28. Introducing fixed headers for the XHTML export fits nicely into this strategy. This feature, also known as frozen headers, has been requested by some of your peers.

New Features for Your Report Parameter Selection

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Report parameters have gained great popularity since their introduction. They offer a flexible and easy way to create dynamic reports. In particular, the ability to create data-bound parameters has been well received. However, in combination with larger databases, there were some limitations that we finally eliminated now in version 28.

Distribute Emails via Office 365 / Microsoft Graph with List & Label

Microsoft is putting more and more obstacles in its Office 365 package, making it difficult to send SMTP emails “just like that” with basic authentication (see e.g. here) and with MAPI/XMAPI in the cloud anyway. But on-premise also brings new challenges (have you ever dealt with our Cross-Bitness-Proxy for x86 applications and x64 Office? 🙂 ). So it was about time to offer a new, up-to-date solution for the very frequently used email delivery.

Results of the List & Label Customer Survey 2023

Customer satisfaction is a crucial factor in List & Label’s success. That’s why we invited you back in January to participate in our List & Label survey. We value your feedback on both the product itself and our services. And, of course, we were anxious to receive your input regarding improvements and what you would like to see in the future.

What Do 64 Interim Releases Have to Do with Today’s Quality Control?

This blog post was prompted by a discussion in our forum. One of our customers, who’s been using List & Label since 1995 (which actually goes back longer than my own experience!) sent us a message, telling us that due to fear of errors, he usually waits for up to a year after the release, before finally implementing a new version. Right here, I’d like to explain why I don’t think that’s a good idea, and give you a bit of an insight into our quality assurance. We want you to feel good about using List & Label in your applications on a daily basis.

Deploy Report Server on an Azure Container Instance and using it from an Azure Function

Report Server Azure Container

As we keep getting requests to support calling List & Label from an Azure Function, and – due to several restrictions like e.g. GDI sandboxing – List & Label can’t be used directly in this context, I thought it might be interesting to explore another way to the cloud, this time using the Report Server. Using its REST-API, you can even create reports from an Azure Function. But let’s walk through the process step by step.