Finally – a Glance in the Crystal Ball

An often required feature for "this cannot be done" type of problems is looking into the future. Things like "don't print this group if it doesn't contain record xy" or "print a reference to the page number of an item that's printed way later". Before List & Label 26, there was no simple solution to this and the magic had to be done in the application if possible at all. Starting with List & Label 26, we'll introduce a new feature that's aimed at solving exactly challenges like this.

How We Release a New Version

List & Label 26 is gearing towards RTM. We've been blogging about the progress and upcoming new features for some time now. This time, however, I'd like to share some insights into what happens as we shift near RTM.

Powerful, Reusable Subreports for Your Reports

Often reports consist of similar, repetitive sections like a number of charts or crosstabs just filtered for different categories but otherwise identical. Or tables and subtables that have a preselected set of columns you want to have wherever this table is used. List & Label 26 now helps you and your users to get rid of the tedious task to maintain such reports and apply changes to all instances of objects. You can add real subreports that contain exactly the required items and maintain those in one single place.

Connecting Mattermost to Blizz Meetings

As we all are affected by the infamous COVID-19 outbreak I assume many of you are working from their home offices just as we do. We had the luck (aka foresight) to prepare this early on so we were up and running in less than a day. Nevertheless, once we started, there were a couple of challenges we were facing. I thought I'd share some nuggets here that might be useful to you.