Enhanced Drag & Drop Experience

For years, our drag & drop support consisted of "well, you can drag one field into an existing table". If you needed multiple fields – repeat. Creating a table via Drag & Drop? No way. Creating a sub table? Don't even think of it. All this will change thoroughly with LL21.
Creating a new table is now as simple as multiselecting a couple of fields from the Variables-/Field-List. The multiselection also memorizes the order in which you’ve selected the fields. If you start dragging the fields, a small hint appears that shows the fields in the order you’ve selected them:
select multiple variables for drag and drop

Then drop the fields wherever you want the report container to be created:
result of enahnced drag and drop function


That’s it – no more hasseling with the choice of database table, no more field selection wizards required. Just a simple Drag & Drop operation is all you need. And it doesn’t stop there. If you wanted to see the orders corresponding to the customers just drop some Order fields on the newly created table:
adding more variables via multi drag and drop


This automatically creates a sub element underneath the customers table – creating an 1:n report has never been faster:

multi drag and drop in the designer

Note also the small details like the distances between the tables – we’ve added those by default to make scanning a relational report much easier. A feature we’ve added while we were at it was a property “Distance after” for all report container elements.

The text object’s drag & drop also got a cool new feature – besides adding new paragrahs before or after another paragraph, you can now add text to an existing paragraph. Very handy when working with separated fields for “First Name” and “Last Name” – simply drop “Last Name” on the “First Name” paragraph to get a combination of both in one paragraph.

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