- Support for .NET 8 and native assemblies
- The SQLiteConnectionDataProvider supports views
- MariaDBConnectionDataProvider and MySqlConnectionDataProvider both support schemas. This allows you to prefix the table schema to support different tables with the same name in different schemas.
- New cloud storage provider for WebDAV
- Tables in the report container now have their own borders. Previously, it was a bit difficult to draw a single frame around an entire table, since it had to be assigned on a per-row basis. For example, top, left, and right for the header row, and only left and right for the data rows, etc. Now the table itself has been given border properties.
- Tables in the report container now have their own background. So far, all fields had a uniform background color.
- The NextCombinationPrintStepEvent in .NET offers the option of resetting the page counter and optionally the total number of pages for the next project during combination printing.
- When creating a grouping, an automatic attempt of suitable sorting will be provided. As an option, this can also be directly applied to a table.
- It’s much easier now to select a different printer in the print selection dialog. The number of clicks has been literally cut in half.
- Significant performance optimization for XLS and CSV export (typically 30-60%, depending on the project)
- Ellipse and Rectangle now also support design schemas.
In addition, we already added some important features in LL28 in a subversion that are also included in LL29 now:
- New export option DOCX.LineSpacingPercentage for Word export. This allows optimization of line spacing in Word, for example to avoid cutting off short lengths.
- New export option value “0” for PDF.ZUGFeRDVersion. List & Label will automatically try to read the correct version and the correct conformance level from the passed XML.
- New option LL_OPTION_HIDE_EXTENDED_PRINTMODES (399) to suppress multi-page/poster and scaled printing in the print options dialog.
- Support for x64 builder applications in C++ for the FireDAC VCL component.
- The preview controls now also display PDF files directly, if the FileName property is set to the path of a PDF file.
- The Designer function TextWidth() uses the font of the cells in which it is used. Specifying the font properties is only optional.
I’m convinced this mix has something in store for everyone. Our blog series about List & Label 29’s new functions is coming to an end. We hope you’re as excited about the current version as we are. Stay tuned, we’re already working on exciting innovations for List & Label 30!