List & Label Reporting Blog

New Service Pack 29.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

New Service Pack 29.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerJul 30, 20243 min read
The latest service pack 29.003 for List & Label brings support for Windows 11 24H2 and an enhanced configuration option for the Web Report Designer to streamline the printing process. Additionally, advanced caching mechanisms have been implemented to reduce server load.
viewer control displays pdf files

Miscellaneous Treats in List & Label 26

ByJochen BartlauJan 19, 20211 min read
As with every version, we have included a number of minor bells and whistles into the latest version. The most notable ones are:
Service Pack 25.004 for List & Label and the Report Server

Service Pack 25.004 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerDec 16, 20202 min read
This blog article covers all the new features and improvements in Service Pack 25.004. Each entry was taken directly from the English Readme.
vslive! virtcon 2020

VSLive! 2020 – The Future of .NET and the Value of Open Source

ByJochen BartlauDec 15, 20204 min read

As a proud platinum sponsor, we just attended the all-virtual VSLive! VirtCon as an exhibitor. For me, it was actually a revisit, although my last VSLive! experience dates back some time ago. I've been to San Francisco in 2002 when .NET 1.0 was first launched by Bill Gates himself. At least the travel wasn't that exhausting this time :).

Enabling Individual Copies and Form Feeds for Labels

Enabling Individual Copies and Form Feeds for Labels

ByJochen BartlauNov 17, 20201 min read
This has been another community suggestion from our Idea Place. Until version 26, you could only have one copy count for labels. This means that the same number of copies were printed for each and every label. In version 26 you can now adjust this individually, based on the data in your data source.
Finally – a Glance in the Crystal Ball

Finally – a Glance in the Crystal Ball

ByJochen BartlauOct 19, 20203 min read
An often required feature for "this cannot be done" type of problems is looking into the future. Things like "don't print this group if it doesn't contain record xy" or "print a reference to the page number of an item that's printed way later". Before List & Label 26, there was no simple solution to this and the magic had to be done in the application if possible at all. Starting with List & Label 26, we'll introduce a new feature that's aimed at solving exactly challenges like this.
How We Release a New Version

How We Release a New Version

ByJochen BartlauOct 6, 20204 min read
List & Label 26 is gearing towards RTM. We've been blogging about the progress and upcoming new features for some time now. This time, however, I'd like to share some insights into what happens as we shift near RTM.
dotnet news

What’s New for .NET?

ByJochen BartlauSep 21, 20204 min read
As with every new version, there's always a lot more "under the hood" that's being added than we're able to document and reveal here in detail. This post sums up a couple of new features and changes for our .NET support in version 26.
Combination Print List & Label

Combine Different Projects into One Print Job

ByJochen BartlauAug 20, 20202 min read
This has been another FAQ without a really good answer – how can I get a report with completely different parts like a cover sheet, a table of contents, some tabular reports, some charts and images, then a text block and so on? 
New Service Pack 25.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

New Service Pack 25.003 for List & Label and the Report Server

ByDaniel KennerAug 10, 20203 min read
The new List & Label Service Pack 25.003 brings support for the new RAD Studio 10.4 and Windows 10 2004. What else is new? We have all new features and improvements for you at a glance. Each entry was taken directly from the English Readme.
Powerful, Reusable Subreports for Your Reports

Powerful, Reusable Subreports for Your Reports

ByJochen BartlauJul 15, 20202 min read

Often reports consist of similar, repetitive sections like a number of charts or crosstabs just filtered for different categories but otherwise identical. Or tables and subtables that have a preselected set of columns you want to have wherever this table is used. List & Label 26 now helps you and your users to get rid of the tedious task to maintain such reports and apply changes to all instances of objects. You can add real subreports that contain exactly the required items and maintain those in one single place.