We were able to license the PDF creation technology from Swiss based PDF Tools AG, a long standing partner company of ours. Through this cooperation, we’re able now to tackle the following scenarios:
- Superior support for international character sets and fonts. Especially when mixing different languages within one report, the results are much better now.
- CMYK support for images. While List & Label itself still doesn’t support CMYK, the PDF export will do so, at least for images that can be passed directly to PDF.
- Ability to pass PNGs directly to PDF. The PNG files will no longer be re-encoded as JPEGs.
- Improved support for complex vectorized drawing objects (think CAD, architecture etc.)
- Support for 256 bit encryption
- Switchable PDF version, ranging from 1.0 to 2.0
- More PDF/A options: support for PDF/A 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 2u, 3a, 3b, 3u
On a side note, the resulting PDF files are typically remarkably smaller in size. Looking forward to hearing your feedback on this leap.
More new features in List & Label 26:
Supporting Multi-Page, Poster or Scaled Print
Miscellaneous Treats in List & Label 26
Enabling Individual Copies and Form Feeds for Labels