We have a lot of great stuff in the pipeline for you before the planned release of combit Report Server 3 in April. Here is your exclusive first peek behind the scenes – we present a few of the new features that you can already look forward to:
– New data sources: Microsoft Sharepoint, Cassandra, Google Analytics, MariaDB
– Various improvements to the Designer, such as improved drag & drop and nested tables.
– Server-side printing (direct output to printer)
– Definition of relations

Furthermore, we are applying the final touches to ad-hoc designs to make creating reports even easier and faster, e.g. with the use of wizards. We will be giving you a closer look at some of these features on the road to release. We hope you are as excited about them as we are!
For over 20 years Alexander Horak is engaged in software development and has already worked at combit during his computer science studies. Nowadays, he is Head of Development of the combit Report Server, an ASP.NET MVC based Enterprise Reporting solution. In his spare time he loves soccer and is an active supporter of FC Bayern Munich.