How satisfied are you with List & Label?

Average rating in 2023: 4,3 stars
Average rating in 2021: 4,3 stars
We’re glad to see that most of you are very satisfied or satisfied with List & Label. Our reporting tool scored an average rating of 4.3 stars, which matched the results from 2021. Now it’s up to us to work on improving the results until the next survey.
Would you recommend List & Label?

When it comes to deciding on a new tool, software developers often trust the opinions and experiences of other software developers. We’re thrilled that almost 90 percent of you stated that you were very likely or likely to recommend List & Label, or even already did it in the past. Thanks so much for your trust in List & Label.
What improvements would you like to see, and which functions are you missing?
We received numerous suggestions and wishes in response to this question. One of them was the desire for a browser-based designer. This has actually been around since List & Label 27 when we introduced the new Web Report Designer. Other requests, relating to web development for example, are already possible today using Docker containers or the new printerless mode. The only thing we won’t be able to offer in the foreseeable future is a true Linux version – we’re aware that many of you would like to see that though.
Which services do you miss on the combit website?
A few of those are already possible, as for example the direct download of the List & Label Viewer. You’ll find it on our website or in the Knowledgebase. Beside that, we’ll be definitely working on improving our range of tutorials, code snippets and sample applications in the future.
How satisfied are you with combit support?
Average rating in 2023: 4,4 stars
Average rating in 2021: 4,3 stars
Our customers appreciate the fact that our support services are not provided by a call center, but straight from our developers. Or to quote one of our survey participant: “Thanks to your excellent support service, all my concerns/enquiries/problems have been resolved to my satisfaction in recent years.”
How satisfied are you with the combit sales team?
Average rating in 2023: 4,5 stars
Average rating in 2021: 4,6 stars
The combit sales team also scored high and was able to match the excellent results of 2021.
The results of this year’s customer survey show a high level of satisfaction with our product and services, and tell us that we’re on track with List & Label and corresponding services. With the help of your feedback and suggestions, I’m convinced that List & Label will continue to exceed your expectations in the future. Thank you so much for your participation! By the way: if you weren’t able to participate, or have anything else to add: you can submit new suggestions for List & Label anytime in our Idea Place.