New Service Pack 29.002 for List & Label and the Report Server

The new Service Pack 29.002 offers support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 12.1, new programming options for print and export as well as new functionalities in the Web Report Designer for data graphics and gauges. In addition, there are various improvements in Designer, the VCL FireDAC component and Report Server. A number of security updates are also included.

New Service Pack 28.006 for List & Label and the Report Server

The latest service pack for List & Label 28 delivers enhanced functionality and security improvements to streamline your reporting needs. With key updates like support of images in crosstab column and row labels in XHTML export as well as support for Embarcadero RAD Studio 12 (BDE & FireDAC). For a detailed list of changes, see the ServicePack.pdf in your installation and the Service Pack download area.

Web Report Viewer for Preview in Web Applications

web report viewer desktop

Up until version 27, you were able to use the HTML5 Viewer in your own .NET web applications in order to display a report preview directly in the browser. Interactive user actions such as drill down, filtering data using report parameters and much more were already possible. But the technology that was utilized for this is getting older now, as for example the jQuery framework. With the new Web Report Viewer, we have created a modern, highly compatible replacement, which has been available since version 27 (year 2021).

Interactive Reports with List & Label

Today, modern reports must be designed for more than just one purpose. In addition, "all" data should be contained as simply as possible – but presented in a clear and structured way. With List & Label such multifunctional reports can be easily realized. Interactive elements allow a single report to cover several scenarios, while selection options further enhance the report. This makes reports more comprehensive and informative and can be easily operated by the user.

Text Selection and Copy to Clipboard for the Preview

Creating preview files is all well and good. However, when you needed to access the texts within the preview for post processing, you had to resort to a text export, finding the relevant strings and copying them from there. In LL25, we added a powerful way to extract texts from a preview, directly from within the preview window.

Customizing the Preview’s Look & Feel

preview control window

Since the introduction of our feature portal three years ago, it has become an important driver for our innovation. If you filter for "available in latest version", you'll find some fourty features we've built into the product on your request. So here comes a big "thank you" to everyone participating! Your help, effort and ideas are more than welcome anytime. Of course, we've implemented some of the top voted demands into LL24. One of them has been to enable the customization of the preview window's look and feel.