WPF Wrapper for PreviewControl

Version 22 of List & Label will introduce a new WPF wrapper control for the existing WinForms PreviewControl. While it uses a Windows­Forms­Host at the core, the wrapper is a drag & drop replacement for the existing WPF preview control which will continue to be supported.

While the “old” control is a full-blown WPF control including all the eye candy there is with styling etc. it also had some major features missing. The new control makes sure WPF applications have all the features WinForms applications already have. The new WPF viewer supports incremental previews out of the box. Your users see the first page of their report while it is still printed. You’ll get access to interactive drilldown, the usage of report parameters, interactive sorting and expandable regions, all straight from your WPF windows.

We’ve also extended our samples with a new WPF databinding sample that shows the new control alongside with our first class datasource support. This will get you quickly started and demonstrates that a decent WPF support is a top priority for us.

Here’s a shot of the preview control in the new WPF sample:

databinding sample

Additionally we’ve also updated the current “C# WPF Viewer Sample” to demonstrate both viewer controls.

viewer sample

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2 Comments on “WPF Wrapper for PreviewControl”

  1. I know this sounds strange but could you imagine to support the display of PDF files in your viewer control?

    Users currently have to operate with two viewers. One which can use your LL reports and a second one to view PDF files which are nowadays often saved to existing information.

    Wouldn’t it be great for the user to just have to work with your Preview Control? One coherent control for all viewing needs?



  2. Hi Mike,

    Thanks for your suggestion – not strange at all, I’m also always happy if I need one app less for my daily work. PDF is a mighty beast, however – and the standard is quickly evolving. You can embed meta data, encrypt the contents, have scripts and interactive objects in it. That’s at least challenging . However, we love challenges, and there are plenty of components out there that support PDF rendering in one way or another. If you like, it would be great if you added your suggestion to our feedback portal at https://forum.combit.net/c/idea-place/7 – we collect ideas there and actively use the input for our backlog.

    Thanks for following the blog!



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